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The Czech Jazz Society is a civic society which, during it’s 26-year-old history, has always tried to promote jazz music and its prospective young musicians. It was integral to the establishment of the Summer Jazz Workshop in Frýdlant, the jazz festival in Přerov or Jam Magazine.

Many Czech jazz musicians and notable figures sat in the board of the CJS, from Karel Velebný, Jiří Stivín and Karel Růžička to Emil Viklický, František Kop and Jaromír Honzák. The current chairman is Martin Šulc, drummer and co-owner of the jazz club U Malého Glena.

Since the rebirth of the CJS near the end of the previous decade, its most notable activity has been the organization of the yearly Czech Jazz Workshop which takes place in Prague. The lecturing staff regularly features the biggest names in both American and European jazz (Jeff Ballard, Aga Zaryan, Laurent Coq, David Dorůžka, Steve Walsh, Paul Bollenback, Osian Roberts, Juraj Bartoš, Marcin Jahr, Pavel Wlosok, Brian Charette, Piotr Baron, Christian Rover, Paul Wilkinson and many others).

The CJS also organizes a yearly competition for jazz ensembles; Czech Jazz Contest (previously Junior Jazz) and since 2008 has run the www.czechjazz.org website, focusing on reporting on the Czech jazz scene, interviewing musicians and following up with the successes of Czech musicians abroad. This project is momentarily suspended due to lack of resources.

The executive board of the CJS is made up of the foremost personalities on the Czech jazz scene – saxophonist Ondřej Štveráček, pianist Jan Andr and guitarist Adam Tvrdý. David Jedlička is the CJS secretary and the chairman is drummer Martin Šulc.

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